Why do you need LED vehicle light?
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A vehicle light is a short or long array of high-luminosity LED lights. These supplement your vehicle’s stock headlamps. They provide a brighter, broader and penetrating beam of light ahead, behind or to the side. They provide a significant advantage for night driving or when illuminating trails, campsites or work areas.

LED Vehicle Light Applications

  • Night Driving – LED Vehicle Light can produce a dramatic difference in road visibility over the brightest stock headlights.
  • Emergency Lighting – A LED vehicle light is indispensable for lighting accident or breakdown scenes. Their brightness also alerts other drivers to trouble ahead.
  • Backyards – A LED vehicle light will illuminate an entire yard for parties or cleanup activities. They make an excellent prowler deterrent.
  • Boats – For increasing marine visibility and lighting landing sites or docks, LED vehicle lights are ideal.
  • Heavy equipment – Snow plows, graders and tractors find LED vehicle light essential in poorly lighted conditions.
  • Off-Road – When taking your 4WD or ATV into the backcountry, a LED vehicle light is a must-have for hazard spotting or setting up campsites.

Different Types of Lamps

These are the most common automotive and commercial high intensity lamps:

  • Tungsten-Vacuum Lights – A tungsten wire filament within a vacuum is heated by electricity causing the wire to emit light.
  • Halogen Lights – A high-performance version of Tungsten-Vacuum lamps with a tungsten filament enclosed in halogen or iodine gas.
  • HPS Lamps – High-Pressure and Low-Pressure Sodium lamps pass an electric arc through a gas mixture containing mostly sodium.
  • HID Lamps – High Intensity Discharge lamps pass an electric arc through gas mixtures that also contain metal salts to form a high intensity plasma.
  • LED Lamps – Light-Emitting Diodes are solid state devices that emit light when electrons pass to electron holes.

LEDs became practical for road illumination relatively recently but are now a highly efficient automotive lighting option. Modern cars use them extensively for road lights, direction signals and interior lighting.


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